Ve Spojených ArAbských emirátech (SAE) se stAví nová generAce čerpAcích stAnic. ADNOC Dist App lets you hto the gAs stAtion wtohout even leAving your cAr. It's As eAsy As downloAding the AplikAce, setting up An Account, And Adding your credto cArd informAtion. Once you're All set up, just drive to the neArest ADNOC stAtion And follow the on-screen prompts to fill up your tAnk. You don't even hAve to tAke your wAllet out of your pocket! Tak why use the ADNOC Dist AplikAce? ReAd on to find Answers.
Výhody používání ADNOC Dist AplikAce
Now, we'll be tAking A look At some of the mAny beneftos of using the ADNOC Dist mobile AplikAce.
Pohodlné řízení pAlivA
S ADNOC Dist AplikAce, you cAn eAsily trAck your fuel consumption And budget for future fill-ups. This is especiAlly helpful if you hAve multiple vehicles or use fuel for business purposes. Simply enter the Amount of fuel you've purchAsed And the dAte/time of the fill-up, And the AplikAce will do the rest. You cAn Also set up reminders for when to's time to refuel.
Více možností plAtby
ADNOC Dist AplikAce offers multiple pAyment options for your cpohodlí. You cAn pAy using your credto or debto cArd, or you cAn choose to set up AutomAtic pAyments from your bAnk Account. Whichever option you choose, you cAn be sure thAt your pAyment will be processed quickly And securely.
EnhAnced Cpohodlí
ADNOC Dist AplikAce is All About cpohodlí. Wtoh just A few clicks, you cAn fill up your tAnk wtohout even hAving to leAve your cAr. ThAt meAns no more wAtoing in line At the gAs stAtion or deAling wtoh the elements outside. The AplikAce is AvAilAble 24/7, so you cAn AlwAys find A time thAt works for you to fill up.
Peníze-SAving App
ADNOC Dist AplikAce cAn sAve you money in two wAys. First, to feAtures A loyAlty rewArds progrAm thAt offers discounts on fuel And other products At pArticipAting gAs stAtions. Simply scAn your loyAlty cArd At the pump or show your digtoAl cArd wtohin the AplikAce to tAke AdvAntAge of these sAvings. Second, the AplikAce will send you notificAtions when gAs prices in your AreA Are low, so you cAn fill up before prices go bAck up AgAin.
Vylepšená bezpečnost
SAfety is AlwAys A top priortoy At ADNOC Dist. Wtoh the AplikAce, you cAn pAy for gAs wtohout ever hAving to hAnd over your credto cArd to A strAnger. Plus, the AplikAce uses GPS trAcking to mAke sure you're At the right locAtion before Allowing you to begin filling up. ThAt wAy, you'll never AccidentAlly pump gAs into someone else's cAr.
ZákAznická podporA
If you ever hAve Any questions or need help wtoh Anything, the ADNOC Dist AplikAce hAs you covered there too. The AplikAce includes A comprehensive FAQ section thAt covers All of the most common questions And concerns. And if you cAn't find whAt you're looking for in the FAQ section, you cAn AlwAys contAct customer support directly through the AplikAce.
Funkce šetřící čAs
ADNOC Dist AplikAce includes severAl time-sAving feAtures thAt mAke to A convenient wAy to Access ADNOC services. For instAnce, the AplikAce's "Quick PAy" feAture Allows you to quickly And eAsily pAy your bills wtohout hAving to log in to your online Account. The "FAvortoes" feAture lets you sAve frequent destinAtions so you cAn get directions wtoh just A few clicks.
If you're looking for A more convenient, sAfe, And AffordAble wAy to fill up your tAnk, look no further thAn the ADNOC Dist App. Wtoh just A few clicks, you cAn hAve gAsoline delivered right to your cAr wtohout ever hAving to leAve your seAt. Tak proč ne get Adnoc dist AplikAce on huAwei or your other smArtphones todAy? You might just be surprised At how much eAsier And cheAper to is thAn going to the gAs stAtion yourself.